Residential Painting

Oak Park Residential Painting

Known for our work in Oak Park and River Forest, A&T Painting treats every residential job with a high degree of professionalism. Let the professionals at A&T Painting work to achieve the look and feel that you desire for your home.


Exterior House Painting

The exterior of your home is a lens through which many people view your life, and you want to make a statement that lasts. A&T Painting begins this process by preparing the outside of your home — peeling paint and dirty surfaces must be cleaned and removed with a pressure washer. After surface flaws have been repaired and old caulk is removed, A&T Painting utilizes the latest painting equipment in tandem with a selection of high-end primers and paints to achieve the desired look for your home. A&T Painting understands the value of hard work and importance in being thorough, allowing for a home exterior that is guaranteed to last.

Interior House Painting

Painting the interior of your home can be messy and frustrating, particularly if it is older and desperately in need of a little TLC. The professionals at A&T Painting are discreet, fast, and pride themselves in allowing the ebb and flow of the household to remain undisrupted, despite their presence. Your belongings and space will be treated with care, and we practice minimally-intrusive painting procedures that were designed with your comfort in mind. At A&T Painting, we work to exceed the expectations of our clientele by being as efficient and attentive as possible.

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About A&T Painting

A&T Painting has been a trusted Oak Park painting contractor for over 30 years. We are experts in both residential and commercial painting, specializing in state-of-the-art painting, coating, and sandblasting for the food processing industry.

Contact Us

A&T Painting, Inc.
1121 Gunderson Ave
Oark Park, IL 60304

 Commercial: 800-860-0793
 Residential: 708-383-2800